File:Crochets modèle.png This category contains pages in the template namespace, or other categories of templates. It should not be used to categorize articles or pages in other namespaces.

Browse Category:Wikia templates for an overview of all templates, or Category:Template namespace categories for a list of all template construction-related categories.

How to add a template to this category

To add a template to this category, use the following code at the end of the template:

[[Category:Template documentation|{{PAGENAME}}]]
TIP: To avoid unintended blank lines, make sure that the opening <noinclude> starts on the same line as the last character of the template code.

This category contains template documentation. Documentation subpages for individual templates may be subcategorized to Documentation subpages.

This category should contain all template documentation pages. See Template:Documentation for more details.

All items (74)
